Year 5 begins with Season 1, the recently revealed Void Edge. So let’s look at what Years 5 & 6 have in store for Ash, Thermite, Mozzie, Caveira and the rest of the flashbang fanatics. This pivot to next gen begins now, in 2020, with Siege’s incoming content. Instead, the development team are will work to simply transition the current game onto the new platforms, taking with it the operators, maps, weapons, gadgets and – hopefully – some 55 million registered players. Ubisoft, however, stated long ago that there are no plans for a Siege sequel. This generation will bring with it a host of new IPs and sequels, all eager to unleash the potential of the powerful new technology on offer. 12 months from now, we’ll have entered an entirely new generation of gaming, with consoles like the PS5 and the Xbox Series X vying for our attention and wallets. Now entering its fifth year, Rainbow Six Siege is at an important crossroads. This weekend is a perfect example of this, as the best Siege players in the world compete at The Six Invitational tournament in Montreal, in front of an audience of thousands, with many more watching online. Since then, Ubisoft’s tactical shooter has certainly prospered, as a fairly blah launch has since evolved into one of the most enjoyed multiplayer titles in gaming. Boy howdy, we’ve come a very, very long way since that infamously fantastical Rainbow Six Siege demo was first previewed at E3 2014.